★★★★★ Top Tailor-made Birding, Wildlife and Photography Tours & Highly recommended in Trip Advisor!!

Discover our Private Birding Reserves

  • Our Reserves Yanacocha Foothills
  • Our Reserves Spectacled Bear
  • Our Reserves Tropical Screetch Owl
  • Our Reserves Napo Wildlife Center

Welcome to Ecuador Birds Tours and Birding Tours in Ecuador! We offer Private Tailor-made birding itineraries in Ecuador including 24/7 Transfers, Delicious Meals, Private Birding Reserves, Top Birding English Speaking Guides, Excellent Lodges, Personalized Birding List, Quality Services and 5 star customer satisfaction. We do not only observe birds, but also Ecuador Landscapes and Pristine Forests.

Ecuador's amazing bird diversity with 1,640 possible bird species makes an ideal place to observe BIRDS & WILDLIFE in its different eco-systems all year round. We can visit the Upper Andean Forest, Dry Inter-Andean Forest, Cloud Forest, Andean Cloud Forest, Upper & Lower Tropical Rainforest, East & West Andes Slope, Upper Amazon Basin, Lower Amazon Basin, Paramo-Tree Line Forest & Pacific Coastal Lowlands and Galapagos Region. Join us in one of our TAILOR-MADE ITINERARIES!

Andes Reserves Jimenita Reserve, Papallacta Pass, Penas Blancas, Antisana Condors
West Cloud Forest Alambi, Angel Paz, Toucan Feeder, Mindo Valley, Rio Silanche, Milpe Birding Sanctuary, Umbrellabird Lek, Woodpecker Feeders, Amagusa Feeder, Oilbird Cave, Tandayapa Valley
East Cloud Forest  Guango Reserve, Quijos Reserve, Cosanga Valley, San Isidro Reserve, Brisas Hummingbird Feeders, Guacamayos Ridge Trail, Wayra Reserve, Hollin Waterfall, Wild Sumaco Reserve, Loreto Harpy Eagle Reserve 
Amazon Basin Limoncocha Reserve, Harpy Eagle Nest, Napo Islands, Yasuni National Park, Sacha Reserve, Napo Wildlife Reserve, Pink Dolphins Reserve
Coast Segua Marshes, Rio Canoa Reserve, Machalilla Reserve, Isla de la Plata, Playa Escondida Reserve, Los Frailes

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