★★★★★ Top Tailor-made Birding, Wildlife and Photography Tours & Highly recommended in Trip Advisor!!

12 Days NEast Slope and Amazon Birding Paradise

PRIVATE BIRDING TOUR - All Year Round Great for Birding 

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 Day 1. Arrival to Quito, Ecuador 

  • Transfer in to our Lodge 15 minutes from Quito Airport. 
  • Overnight: Hacienda Jimenita, No meals included.

Day 2. Antisana Andean Condor Reserve 

  • Morning birding in the Upper Andean Valleys near Antisana Volcano. The Antisana Reserve is the most impressive Andean Mount near Quito and Sanctuary of the Wild Andean Condor. Strategic stops along Antisana Condor Hide, Ecuadorian Hillstar, La Mica Lagoon and extraordinary views of the Andes. 
  • Targets: Andean Condor, Shining Sunbeam, Red-crested Cotinga, Spectacled Redstart, Ecuadorian Hillstar, Caranculated Cara Cara, Black-chested Buzzard Eagle, Variable Hawk, Black Flowerpiercer, Andean Ibis, Andean Lapwing, Many-striped Canasero, Tawny Antpitta, Paramo Pipit, Paramo Ground Tyrant, Stout-billed Cinclodes, Giant Hummingbird, Great Thrush, Vermillion Flycatcher, Rusty Flowerpiercer, Blue and Yellow Tanager, Black-tailed trainbearer and others.
  • Overnight: Hacienda Jimenita, Meals: B/L/D

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Day 3. East Slope Cloud Forests; Quijos and San Isidro Reserves

  • Our drive to the East Slope Cloud Forest will initially lead us through the drier central valley where we will pass through a mix of agricultural zones and native forests before rising up steeply to the high and windswept paramo. Along the way possible to observe the Spectacled Bear in our strategic points. 
  • We will first stop at Quijos Reserve and explore the main trails along the river for possible Torrent Ducks. Continue exploring the hummingbird feeders for specialties of this area. Afternoon birding in San Isidro Reserve.
  • Targets: Black-capped and Black-eared Hemispingus, Slaty and Pale-naped Brush-Finch, Sword-billed Hummingbird, Buff-tailed Coronet, Collared Inca, Hooded Mountain Tanager, Grey-breasted Mountain Toucan, Mountain Cacique, Inca Jay, Turquoise Jay, Andean Motmot, Andean Cock of the Rock, Gorgeted Woodstar, Russet-backed Oropendola, Black and White Owl.

  • Overnight: San Isidro Lodge, Meals: B/L/D

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Day 4. Wayra Feeders, Hollin Waterfall and Sumaco Road 

  • Transfer from the Cloud Forest to the Upper Amazon Basin. Along the way visit Wayra Hummingbird Feeders for possible Paradise Tanager and occasionally Spangled Coquette. Afterwards arrival to Hollin Waterfall in the Upper Amazon Basin for possible Southern Mealy Amazon, Golden-tailed Sapphire, White-tailed Hillstar and others. Afternoon birding Wild Sumaco Road. 
  • Targets: Spangled Coquette, White-tailed Hillstar, Green Hemit, Black-throated Mango, Green-backed Hillstar, Fork-tailed Woodnymph, Many-spotted Hummingbird, Glittering-throated Emerald, Red-headed Barbet, Lined Antshrike, Black-billed Thrush, Spotted Tanager, Turquoise Tanager, Paradise Tanager, Bay-headed Tanager, Blue Dacnis, Swallow Tanager, Dusky Piha, Cliff flycatcher, Southern Mealy Amazon, Dusky-headed Parakeet, Black-billed Mountain-Toucan, Magpie Tanager, Gould’s Jewelfront, Golden-collared Toucanet,  and others.
  • Overnight: Wild Sumaco Lodge, Meals: B/L/D

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Day 5. Wild Sumaco Reserve 

  • Early birding around the lodge for possible Wrens and Antbirds. We will explore the main feeders of the lodge and have breakfast. Continue birding in the Wild Sumaco Trails for possible Toucans, Tanagers, Cuckoos, Woodpeckers, Eagles, and others. Return to the lodge for lunch. In the afternoon continue birding the reserve.
  • Targets: Many-banded Aracari, Collared Trogon, Green-backed Trogon, Coppery-chested Jacamar, Channel-billed Toucan, White-backed Fire-eye, Peruvian-warbling Antbird, Musician Wren, Golden-collared Toucanet, Black-faced Antbird, Black Throated Brilliant, Ecuadorian Piedtail, Fork-tailed Woodnymph, Golden-tailed Sapphire, Green Hermit, Many-spotted Hummingbird, White-tipped Sicklebill, Wire-crested Thorntail, Goulds Jewelfront, Plumbeous Pigeon, Blue Dacnis, Silver-beaked Tanager  and others. 
  • Overnight: Wild Sumaco Lodge, Meals: B/L/D

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Day 6. Andean Cock of the Rock and Limoncocha Lagoon

  • Early morning towards the Eastern Andean Cock of the Rock Lek Reserve where we will observe them at the Lek. Box Lunch along the way and continue to Limoncocha Biological Reserve, one of the best birding paradise in the Amazon Basin. Afternoon birding in Limoncocha Lagoon with Private Canoe. Continue to Shushufindi for overnight.
  • Targets: Speckled Chachalaca, Greater Ani, Lesser Swallow-tailed Swift, Purple Gallinule, Plumbeous Kite, Yellow-tufted Woodpecker, Little Tinamou, Undulated Tinamou, Hoatzin, Great Potoo, Striated Heron, Amazon Kingfisher, Black-fronted Nunbird, Scarlet-crowned Barbet, Great Kiskadee, Smooth-billed Ani, Squirrel Cuckoo, and others.
  • Overnight: Sevilla Oro Hotel, Meals: B/L/D

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Day 7. Limoncocha Lagoon and Ceibo Trail 

  • Morning observation of White-lored Antpitta and Black-banded Crake Feeder. Continue to El Ceibo Trail for new forest trail bird species. Afternoon explore Limoncocha Lagoon with Private Canoe.
  • Targets: Harpy Eagle, Crested Owl, Dusky-headed Parakeet, Scarlet-shouldered Parakeet, White-plumbed Antbird, Great Jacamar, Yellow-billed Jacamar, Golden-headed Manakin, Blue-crowned Manakin, ZigZag Heron, Whistling Heron, Agami Heron, Green Ibis, Scarlet Ibis, Spectacled Owl, Tropical Screetch Owl, Cream-coloured Woodpecker and others.
  • Overnight: Sevilla Oro Hotel, Meals: B/L/D

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Day 8. Sacha Lodge Amazon Paradise

  • After breakfast transfer to Coca City where your journey to the Lower Amazon begins. Transfer by shared motor-boat along Napo River until arriving to the Sacha Lodge. Private Birding Tour with expert English speaking birding guide. We will explore the surroundings of the lodge, the reserve, and plan the next day activities.  There are around 500 registered bird species at this location.

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Day 9. Canopy Birding Bridge, Kapok Observation Tower and Caiman Spotting

  • Early morning visit the Canopy Tower to observe Toucans, Sloths, Tanagers, Hawks and more. This bridge walk (36 meters) provides spectacular opportunities for birding above the Treetops. Afternoon Paddle Canoe near the several creeks of the Lodge to observe Anacondas and Giant Otters. In the afternoon visit Kapok Observation Tower, a 360 degree view of the Amazon Rainforest. At night possible Caiman Spotting and other nocturnal species.

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Day 10. Yasuni Parrot Clay Lick and Napo Parrot Clay Lick 

  • Early morning visit Yasuni Parrot Clak Lick for possible 5 species of Parrots. Continue to Napo Parrot Clay Licks for possible Scarlet Macaws and others. In the afternoon return to the lodge and explore Lagartococha Paddle Canoe. Other activities in Sacha Lodge are Harpy Eagle Nest (season), Piranha Fishing, Butterfly Farm, Morning and Night Forest Walks and Lake Pool.  
  • Target Species: Speckled Chachalaca, Spixs Guan, Gray-headed Kite, Harpy Eagle, Crested Hawk, Crested Owl, Amazonian Motmot, White-necked Puffbird, Gilded Barbet, Lettered Aracari, White-throated Toucan, Yellow-tufted Woodpecker, Crimson-crested Woodpecker, Cobalt-winged Parakeet, Blue-headed Parrot, Mealy Amazon, Orange-winged Parrot, Dusky-headed Parakeet, Red-bellied Macaw, Chestnut-fronted Macaw, Scarlet Macaw, Blue and Yellow Macaw, Wire-tailed Manakin, Purple-throated Fruitcrow, Turquoise Tanager, Paradise Tanager, Green and Gold Tanager and others.
  • Overnight: Sacha Lodge, Meals: B/L/D

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Day 11. Return to Quito 

  • Early morning transfer by motorized canoe to Coca. Flight to Quito Included. Transfer in to our Jimenita Lodge and leisure afternoon.
  • Overnight: Hacienda Jimenita, Meals: B/L/D

Day 12. Transfer Out to the Airport 

After breakfast transfer out to the Airport. End of Services or Extension to Galapagos Island Hopping. 

Photos taken by Neil Wiken, Felix Baeten and Diego Cruz. 

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